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Strategies in Trauma and Limb Reconstruction (STLR) is dedicated to surgeons, allied medical professionals and researchers in the field of orthopaedics and trauma.
The BLRS was founded in 1997 with the objective of bringing together surgeons and allied professionals involved in the management of congenital and acquired deformities of the upper and lower limbs, reconstruction of post traumatic limb defects and limb equalisation techniques.
The Society aims to advance education and research in the field of limb reconstruction and holds regular scientific meetings and training courses. The Society is affiliated with the British Orthopaedic Association and with the International ASAMI (Association for the Study and Application of the Method of Ilizarov).
Limb reconstruction can be defined as that branch of orthopaedic surgery concerned with achieving maximum function from a limb deformed as a result of either a congenital or acquired condition or trauma. The techniques involved include limb equalisation, correction of angular and rotational deformities, correction of mal and non-unions, epiphyseodesis, arthrodiatasis and joint reconstruction. The surgeons involved with limb reconstruction will be familiar with the techniques of limb lengthening and bone transport, the use of internal and external fixators and intramedullary devices. The principles of bone and soft tissue regeneration under conditions of distraction are employed.
Children born with limb reduction deformities or deformities involving the hand or foot (e.g hemimelias, achondroplasia, club hand and foot deformities, congenital pseudarthrosis etc.) may have these deformities improved or corrected by limb reconstruction techniques.
Limbs deformed as a consequence of trauma, infection, metabolic abnormalities (e.g. rickets) or bone tumours may be dealt with using the same techniques. Bone transport, a method of filling a bone defect by moving an adjacent segment of bone within its soft tissue envelope, is of particular value for dealing with segmental defects such as occur following trauma and following bone resection in the treatment of osteomyelitis.
Telephone: 020 7406 1762
Fax: 020 7831 2676
British Limb Reconstruction Society,
c/o BOA Specialist Society Secretariat,
35-43 Lincoln’s Inn Fields,
London, WC2A 3PE
Registered Charity No: 1187781
Strategies in Trauma and Limb Reconstruction (STLR) is dedicated to surgeons, allied medical professionals and researchers in the field of orthopaedics and trauma.
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